Tunde, Hungary/Northern Ireland
Tunde, Hungary/Northern Ireland
Hello. My name is Tunde Tasinekiss. My age is 41. I come from Hungary. Before I came here, my life was very social. Because my trade is baker and I worked in a big store in a bakery. I lived in a little village beside Balaton. When I finished my work, I had the free time. I went home and we enjoyed the village life. I had many animals. I had the bunny, chicken, duck and sheep. I had this big garden. I really liked the flowers in my garden. I had many friends. We keep our [customs] in the village. We organized very many festivals and parties. We refresh our heritage and traditions at home. I very much enjoyed it.
I came in 2010 to Northern Ireland. First time I was very scared, because I followed my husband. When he came [here], I stayed at home [in Hungary]. He got a job here in the bakery. He came with his friends, and they helped him. I waited at home and I stayed alone with my children. I waited [to see if] I can come here or not. Life alone was very hard. I lost my job. When my husband called me [saying] that I can come here, I lost my friends and I missed my family. My husband was working; he is very busy here. I was here alone. Maybe around half a year later, I found here some friends and I can start to enjoy my life here. I’m learning English at school. I collect (work) here in the community office. I was the volunteer. And I try [to provide] help for the people who are coming.The news I had for them is that they can face the new life.
So I chose Northern Ireland because my husband is coming here. But I very like here because it is a beautiful country. And here there are many legends. I very much enjoy it. And I like the weather. But sometimes it’s too much rain! [Laughs] Missing my family...I know. And I made a new plan here. I couldn’t find the job. Because the first time I can’t speak English; they did not hire me. Now I speak English, but my plan is to learn much more. And I can find the job, because I like doing this in my ‘old’ life.
I like organizing in my community some festivals. And I try to keep here some Hungary traditions. I like collect for the Irish customs or tradition. And I did here the Hungary folk dance group, but that is the hobby. That is the friendship circle – we dance. First time I worried how we’ll be accepted by the Irish people, because the experience is new; it’s not their [custom]. But I found in 2012, about two years ago, and this year, that I get very much invited [welcomed]. When we need to go everywhere in Northern Ireland, it is a surprise for me because they very much enjoyed our dance and the costumes and we showed the traditional embroidered motifs, and that is my object. And I will show you. It’s very important for me. I keep safe my Hungarian heritage because, I live in Ireland and I feel myself as half Irish, but in my heart are the Hungarian people.