My name is Cristina Tavarres. I’m 21 years old. I’m from Portugal. Before I was student in high school. I leave Portugal in 2013, just for one month I come to work and after I go back. In 2014 I’m back again and I’m living here now 9 months. In Portugal I lived with my parents and brothers. I come here just me alone. My parents live in France. My big brother lives in Portugal and my small brother lives with my parents. I live here 9 months.
[Why did you choose Northern Ireland?] Because first my brother and my brother’s girlfriend live here for work, but after went back to Portugal.
[What do you do here?] I work.
[Do you like it here?] For starts it’s not so bad but want something better. Yeah of course I miss my city, my family, my friends, and the food. Everything. I like bacalhau, [carnitas], bitoque. I stay with my boyfriend for here and when I’m back in December in Portugal for [bereavement] he give me [gestures to ring]. It is important for me because all the time I see my fingers and I remember. It’s not for the reason of course that I don’t remember all the time, he’s still in my heart and my mind.